Qui sommes-nous
Née en 1931, la Cave des Vignerons de Buxy fédère des hommes et des femmes autour d’un projet commun simple et ambitieux « Obtenir des vins de premier choix ». Mobilisés et solidaires pour faire rayonner la Côte chalonnaise de la vigne jusqu’au verre, les vignerons de Buxy suivent un cap depuis près de 90 ans dont ils n’ont jamais dévié, qui repose sur 3 piliers fondateurs : les Hommes au cœur du projet, la Qualité des vins, l’innovation et l’investissement, avec comme vecteur le développement durable.
Who are you
Founded in 1931, the Cave des Vignerons de Buxy federates winegrowers around a simple yet ambitious joint project: ‘Obtaining the choicest wines’. Actively working together to promote the Côte Chalonnaise from vine to glass, the Vignerons de Buxy winegrowers have been tracing the same, undeviating path for nearly 90 years, guided by three fundamental values: people at the heart of the project, high-quality wines, and innovation and investment driven by sustainable development.”
Discover our latest news…
Thursday 13 August 2020
This year, our team of highly motivated harvesters brushed off their secateurs on 13th August to start work in our Crémants plots.The Cave des Vignerons de Buxy is organising drinks on the water.
Sunday 19 July 2020
Article presenting our drinks on the water, a new feature for 2020 that invites you to discover a selection of our vintages with comments from one of our wine merchants. This tasting is carried out aboard boats from the Chalon Balades sur Saône company. A fun and friendly experience!Places to visit: Côte Chalonnaise and Mâconnais
Wednesday 08 April 2020
A detailed look at La Maison Millebuis, our new space dedicated to the tasting and sale of our wines, but also to meeting up and sharing.
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